you can follow her on instagram:
2008 Voci del Villaggio (biography at page 312 and works at page 313-314), Delta Edizioni, Bologna (IT) Emanuele Grieco. ISBN 9788895568706
2011 Uj Forras (My sculpture illustrated the cover and the book of the February number 2011 togheter with the drawings of the Hungarian master Istvan Nadler), Jozsef Attila Megyei Konyvtar
ISBN 01335332
2011 Uj Forras - A nema nyelv megsokszorozasa, Nadler Istvan es Sara Berti. Articol by Mathe Andrea sul mio lavoro, page 101, February number 2011, Jozsef Attila Megyei Konyvtar, ISBN 01335332
2009 Il percento per l'arte in Emilia-Romagna. La legge del 29 luglio 1949 n. 717 .Include la documentazione della mia opera monumentale on the public commission titled Rinascita, l'uomo e la Fenice in front of the hospital of Lagosanto, Fe (IT) Editrice Compositori, Bologna ISBN: 9788877946546 , Unico Claudia Collina
2008 Elet es Irodalom (article by Gaal Jozsef on my art works, ANNO LII n.28 11 JULY 2008 Casa editrice: Irodalom Kft ES Alapitvany ES Barati Tarsasag, BudapesT (HU) ISBN 0424-8848
2008 Elet es Irodalom (number illustrated by me - ANNO LII n.28 11 JULY 2008 Casa editrice: Irodalom Kft ES Alapitvany ES Barati Tarsasag, BudapesT (HU) ISBN 0424-8848
2015 What Will You Create? Drawing with the 3Doodler (one of my art works done by 3doodler pen is on page 26 and I'm on the acknowledgements at page 154), WobbleWorks, Inc., New York, USA ISBN: 9780692466933
2010 BARBARA YOSHIDA, 80 PORTRETOW BARBARA YOSHIDA, 80 PORTRAITS katalog wystawy exhibition catalog Barbara Yoshida. At page 39 there is a photography done by Barbara Yoshida ithat is representing me and one of my sculpture. Between the artists included in the catalogue is also Louise Bourgeois, Catalogue del Museo Nazionale di Danzica. Barbara Yoshida, Mariola Balinska, Malgorztata Taraszkiewicz-Zwolicka ISBN 978-83-88669-54-5
2015 Contemporary practices Visual art from the Middle East (article about my work "Sara Berti's giving collage it own spirit "pag 124) Contemporary Practices, Tom Keogh, ISBN 9782235648981
2015 120 hungarikon idea Karpati Collection (two of my artworks from Karpati's collection pag.90), Maszk es Ecset Alapitvany, Budapest ISBN: 5 9789631211351
2011 Lo stato dell'arte - Padiglione Italia (published my sculpture "Verso Uno" representing the Italian art in Hungary at the Biennale di Venezia del 2011), Casa editrice: Skira. Vittorio Sgarbi ISBN: 885721159
2011 Untitled - Selected works from the Szaloky Collection (my sculpture Spatial Movement is at page 60 included in the Szaloki collection) Garb Kiado, Budapest Zoltan Somhegyi. ISBN: 9786155007163
2011 Omaggio a Teresa Gamba Guiccioli ( my artwork it is at pages 58 -59) Edizioni del Girasole, Ravenna (IT) Claudia Giuliani e Beatrice Buscaroli . ISBN 9788875675769
2018 Amid desert and future - Contemporary Artists from the United Arabs Emirates and Bahrain, (Imago Mundi - Luciano Benetton Collection), Antiga edizioni, 2018. ISBN 9788884350602
2022 Velence Hirado, number of November - Full article page 16/17
2023 Velence Journal Article with one of Sara Berti's artwork about the Internation Velence Lake Art Symposium
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2018 museum Terra Catalogue, Kikinda, Serbia (SR)
2018 Article and Illustration page 5 of "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.64 - Oxford (UK)
2018 Article and Illustration page 6 to 9 of "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.45 - Oxford (UK)
2018 Illustration page 9 "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.23 - Oxford (UK)
2017 Catalogue of the group exhibition "Vantage point 5" Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah (UAE)
2017 Brochure of the joint exhibirion “Sara Berti and Istvan Nadler” Ko’Art Galleria, Catania (IT)
2018 Article and Illustration page 5 of "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.64 - Oxford (UK)
2018 Article and Illustration page 6 to 9 of "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.45 - Oxford (UK)
2018 Illustration page 9 "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.23 - Oxford (UK)
2017 Catalogue of the group exhibition "Vantage point 5" Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah (UAE)
2017 Brochure of the joint exhibirion “Sara Berti and Istvan Nadler” Ko’Art Galleria, Catania (IT)
2017 Illustration page 7 "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.20 - Oxford (UK)
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2017 Illustration page 9 "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.14 - Oxford (UK)
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2017 Illustration page 7 "The Wednesday", Philosophy and Art weekly journal of the Wednesday group at Albion Beatnik n.10 - Oxford (UK)
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2016 Article of Tom Keogh, Contemporary Practices, Dubai, UAE
2015 Brochure " Botond, Klimo, Berti" Koppelmann Galerie, Cologne
2015 Catalogue of the Group exhibition "Vantage point 3" Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah (UAE)
2015 Book "What will you create? Drawing with the 3Doodler", official Book of 3Doodler.
2015 Al Tashkeel journal “On Old and New Media”, Sharjah, 2015 pages 94-97
2015 Catalogue of Annual photography exhibition of the Emirates Fine Arts Society, Sharjah (UAE)
2013 Catalogue of Catania ArtFactory, Catania (Italy)
2013 Catalogue of the Izmir Biennial, Izmir (Turkey)
2012 Catalogue of Art Market 2012 page 128
2011 CATALOGUE "Untitled" selected works from the Szalóky collection (pag.60), Garb Kiado, Budapest
2015 Brochure " Botond, Klimo, Berti" Koppelmann Galerie, Cologne
2015 Catalogue of the Group exhibition "Vantage point 3" Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah (UAE)
2015 Book "What will you create? Drawing with the 3Doodler", official Book of 3Doodler.
2015 Al Tashkeel journal “On Old and New Media”, Sharjah, 2015 pages 94-97
2015 Catalogue of Annual photography exhibition of the Emirates Fine Arts Society, Sharjah (UAE)
2013 Catalogue of Catania ArtFactory, Catania (Italy)
2013 Catalogue of the Izmir Biennial, Izmir (Turkey)
2012 Catalogue of Art Market 2012 page 128
2011 CATALOGUE "Untitled" selected works from the Szalóky collection (pag.60), Garb Kiado, Budapest
2011 54th Venice Biennale - Padiglione Italia "Lo stato dell'arte - State of the Art" curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, pubblished by Skira
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2011 54th Venice Biennale - "Italian Pavilion" section "Italian Pavilion in the world"
31 May - 27 November 2011 double venue: Venice Biennale (Group exhibition) and Italian Culture Institute in Budapest (Solo exhibition)
31 May - 27 November 2011 double venue: Venice Biennale (Group exhibition) and Italian Culture Institute in Budapest (Solo exhibition)
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Article by Kurdiy Janos
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2011 PUF! 2011 - Catalogue of the festival, pages 16-17
2011 "Bibó száz" homage to Bibó István - catalogue of the exhibition
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2011 "Cered Art camp" catalogue, Budapest 2011
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2010 Barbara Yoshida - Portraits ow woman artists - National Museum of Poland - pag 41 pag 44 pag 44
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2010 Brochure for the “Like Ulisses” exhibition, Museum of Vaszary Villa in collaboration with Italian Culture
Institute of Budapest , Balatonfüred
Institute of Budapest , Balatonfüred
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2010 Brochure for the “Corpo Acqua” exhibition, Copenhagen Italian Culture Institute, Copenhagen
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2010 "István Nádler and Berti Sara - A dialogue about the inexpressible", catalogue for the exhibitions, B55 Gallery.
curator: Győrffy László
curator: Győrffy László
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2009 Brochure for the „Corpo Fondamenta” exhibition, Bologna, Villa Guadagnini
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2009 Brochure for the „Corpo-Casa” exhibition, Italian Culture Institute, Budapest
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2009 “Il Percento per l’arte in Emilia-Romagna – La legge del 29 luglio 1949 n. 717: applicazioni ed evoluzioni
del 2% sul territorio” curated by Claudia Collina. Editrice Compositori, Bologna
del 2% sul territorio” curated by Claudia Collina. Editrice Compositori, Bologna
2008 „Sara Berti – Corpo Pubblico Corpo Privato”, catalogue for the exhibitions, Memoart Gallery and Gallery IX,
text of József Gaál, professor of painting at the Hungarian University of Fines Arts, Budapest
text of József Gaál, professor of painting at the Hungarian University of Fines Arts, Budapest
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2007 Catalogue for the exhibition „Persistenza dell’immagine”, Grafique Art Gallery, Bologna, curator: Franco Basile
2006 Catalogue for the „Premio Dams Arte, biennale dei giovani artisti”, Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale.
2005 „Liturgia segreta”, catalogue for the exhibition, Galleria Castiglione Arte, Bologna, curator: F. Basile
2006 Catalogue for the „Premio Dams Arte, biennale dei giovani artisti”, Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale.
2005 „Liturgia segreta”, catalogue for the exhibition, Galleria Castiglione Arte, Bologna, curator: F. Basile